Seminar program

25 June 2015 | Gothenburg, Academy of Music and Drama, Sjöströmsalen |
«Belief and tolerance, Individual freedom and Freedom of expression»
Marie-Louise Rodén, Susanna Åkerman, Inger Elam

8 June 2015 | Innsbruck, Kaiser Leopold Saal, University |
«Queen Christina in Innsbruck »
Gloria Kaiser, Rektor Siebenrock, Stefan Schennach, Mats Liljefors

21 April 2015 | Brussels, Le Palais des Académies |
«Le pouvoir des Idées» (The Power of Ideas)
M. Jacques de Decker, Marquis Olivier de Trazeignies, M. Frank Pierobon,
SAS Le Prince Wenceslas de Lobkowicz, M. Philippe Beaussant, M. Yann Kerlau

17 March 2015 | Stockholm, The Royal Armoury |
«Queen Christina and the Peace Treaty of Westfalia»
Torkel Jansson, Inga Lena Ångström Grandien, Yves Saint Geours, Marie-Louise Rodén

12 February 2015 | Rome, Swedish Rome Institute |
«Queen Christina and the Sciences»
Antonio Clericuzio, Vera Nigrisoli Wärnhielm, Fabiola Zurlini, Yves Saint Geours

3 December 2014 | Paris, Salle Colbert |
«Queen Christina, literature and politics»
Denis Kambouchner, Jean-Charles Darmon, Jean-Claude Milner, Claude Imbert, Philippe Beaussant, member of the French Academy

20 November 2014 | Vienna, Radio House |
«Queen Christina, influences and developments in Europe»
Gloria Kaiser, Stefan Schennach, Mats Liljefors

Seminars are sponsored by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Kungliga Vitterhetsakademien and Kungliga Patriotiska Sällskapet.



Short Seminar CV:S on speakers

Tore Frängsmyr, f. 1938, professor em i vetenskapshistoria vid Uppsala universitet, tidigare innehavare av Hans Rausing-professuren i vetenskapshistoria. Har författat flera betydande översiktsverk, exempelvis Svensk idéhistoria: bildning och vetenskap under tusen år I-II (2000). Har varit föreståndare vid Vetenskapsakademiens Centrum för vetenskapshistoria, redaktör för Nobelkommitténs årsbok Les Prix Nobel, ordförande i Alf Henrikson-sällskapet och generalsekreterare i International Union of History of Science 1989-1993.
Stefano Fogelberg Rota gained his PhD in comparative literature at Stockholm University in 2008with “The Queen of Poetry. Christina of Sweden and the Italian academies”. He has published several articles about Queen Christina.
Arnaud Blin is a French historian and political scientist. He has focused mainly on international relations and the history of war and peace, including the history of terrorism. Coordinator of the Forum for a new World Governance, specializing in international relations and the history of conflicts. He is the author of 15 books, including La Paix de Westphalie, 1648 (Complexe, 2006) and A History of Terrorism (University of California Press, 2007).
Stig Strömholm (b. 1931), Swedish, former rector magnificus of Uppsala University, received his education in Uppsala (B.A. 1952; LL.B. 1957, Licentiate 1957). He completed a doctorate in Law in Uppsala in 1966. He was Professor in Jurisprudence in Uppsala from 1969, and Professor in Private Law and Conflict of Laws there 1982-1997.

Erling Norrby, M.D., a world authority on viruses, professor and chairman at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm for 25 years. Additionally, for over 20 years, he has been heavily involved in the selection process of the recipients of Nobel Prizes in Physiology and Medicine.

Inga Lena Ångström Grandien, Fil. dr, docent. Inga Lena Ångström Grandiens avhandling handlar om den efterreformatoriska altartavlan i Sverige. Porträttkonst har sedan dess blivit ett av hennes specialområden. Hon har bl.a. skrivit om tidiga porträtt av Kristina (i Bilder av Kristina, Livrustkammaren 2013) och medverkar i en kommande bok om Karl XII med en uppsats om Karl XII-porträtt (Rotterdam 2016).

Antonio Clericuzio, Italy, Professor of Historical Science at University of Cassin and University Of Roma Tre.

Prof. Dr. Gudrun Wolfschmidt , Institute for History of Science and TechnologyZentrum für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft und Technik, Department of Physics, Hamburg Observatory, Informatics and Natural Sciences (MIN), University of Hamburg
Vera Nigrisoli Wärnhjelm, universitetslektor vid Högskolan i Dalarna. Specialstudier kring Drottning Kristina, bl.a. europeiska resor, 1600-talets vetenskaper, drottningens livläkare.

Fabiola Zurlini, Italy, History of Medicine and Science Fermo, Universita-degli-studi-di-Macerata

Docent Martin Olin är lektor i konstvetenskap och Svenska Rominstitutets vicedirektör sedan 2013. Olin har tidigare varit verksam som forskare och intendent vid tecknings- och grafiksamlingen vid Nationalmuseum i Stockholm. Han disputerade i Lund 2000 på en avhandling om den karolinska tidens porträtt.

Docent Inga Lena Ångström Grandien disputerade vid Stockholms universitet på
avhandlingen Altartavlor i Sverige under renässans och barock. I ”Barocken”, Signums
svenska konsthistoria (1998), har hon skrivit om det religiösa och det profana måleriet.

Enzo Borsellino gained his PHD 1983 at Rome ‘La Sapienza’ University in Medieval and
Modern Art History. Organizer of three international congresses on Queen Christina of Sweden.

Since the early 1980s Guy and Helene Motais de Narbonne, Paris art lovers closely connected to the Musée du Louvre, have been passionately committed to building up a remarkably unified collection.
Richard Serra, born in San Francisco in 1938, is one of the most significant artists of his generation. His groundbreaking sculpture explores the exchange between artwork, site, and viewer. His bodies of work in sculpture and drawing have been celebrated with retrospectives at the Museum of Modern Art twenty years apart: “Richard Serra/Sculpture,” (1986) and “Richard Serra Sculpture Forty Years,” (2007). His large-scale, site-specific sculptures for architectural, urban and landscape settings span the globe, from Iceland to New Zealand.
Eva Haettner Aurelius, professor of Comparative Literature at Lund University since 1997, a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. Her research topics have included autobiographies of Swedish women, e.g. Queen Christina and Agneta Horn.

Tania Preste, Fil. Dr, disputerade 2007 vid Università degli Studi di Trento, Italien med avhandlingen L’uso politico del goticismo nella costruzione dell’identità svedese (1611-1682) (Goticismens politiska användning för uppbyggnaden av den svenska identiteten). Fyra år som forskarassistent vid Lecces universitet (Italien). Forskning inriktad på individuell och kollektiv identitetsbildning under 1600-talet, samt på eliternas utbildningsideal och praxis, med särskild hänsyn till likheter och skillnader mellan den protestantiska och den katolska världen.

Francesco Luisi, Italian musicologist and researcher, specializing in Baroque music. Organizer of several conferences, festivals, writer, music critic etc. President of Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo and adviser of ’Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia, scientific director of Frottole di Ottaviano Petrucci (Università di Padova e Venezia, Editore Cleup).

Lars Berglund, född 1964, svensk musikvetare. Berglunds forskning behandlar bland annat italiensk, tysk och svensk 1600-talsmusik, musikestetiska frågor samt svensk konstmusik under 1900-hundratalet. Han disputerade vid Uppsala universitet 2002 och är idag docent och universitetslektor i musikvetenskap vid samma universitet.
Gloria Kaiser born in 1950, Austrian author of many books, mainly historic novels, amongst other The Amazone of Rome, the adventurous life of Queen Christina of Sweden in Rome.

Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre, professor of German at Stockholm University since 2004. She gained her PhD at Washington University and has devoted her research mainly to texts from the 15th-17th centuries.

Birgit Sauer. Born in 1957 in Brackenheim/Germany, is professor of political science at the Institute of Political Science, University of Vienna. She studied political science and German literature at the University of Tübingen and at Free University of Berlin. She received her PhD in Political Science at Free University of Berlin and her habilitation at the University of Vienna.

Marie-Louise Rodén, professor of History at Kristianstad University. She gained her PhD at Princeton University with a thesis on Queen Christina. She has authored the first biography of Cardinal Dezio Azzolino, the Queen´s closest contact during her years in Rome. The Swedish Academy rewarded her for her biography of Queen Christina in 2008.

Philippe Beaussant (b. 1930) member of l´Académie française, French musicologist and novelist and expert on French baroque music, on which he has published widely. He is the founder of the Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles, of which he was the artistic adviser of 1987 to 1996. He has also been a producer of musical programs for Radio France since 1974. His biography of Jean-Baptiste Lully, Lully ou le musicien du soleil (Éditions Gallimard, 1992), was the basis of the film Le Roi Danse (2000). Beaussant won the 1993 Grand Prix du roman de l’Académie française for his novel Héloïse.

Jean-Luc Marion (b. 1946), a postmodern philosopher and a former student of Jacques Derrida. Marion’s work is informed by patristic and mystical theology, phenomenology, and modern philosophy. Although much of his academic work has dealt with Descartes and phenomenologists like Martin Heidegger and Edmund Husserl, it is rather his explicitly religious works that have garnered much recent attention. Member of l´Académie française.

J. M. G. Le Clézio, b. 1940, a French-Mauritian writer and professor. The author of over forty works, he was awarded the 1963 Prix Renaudot for his novel Le Procès-Verbal, as well as the 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature for his life’s work, as an ”author of new departures, poetic adventure and sensual ecstasy, explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization”.

Yann Kerlau, a French author. He has written an autobiography of Queen Christina, L’Échiquier de la reine, and several other books, translated into many languages and mainly focusing on historic or biographical subjects.

Marco Beretta, University of Bologna, Professor of History of Science and Technology
Since 2005, former Vice Director of the Museo Galileo in Florence and Associate Professor of History of Science and Technology at University of Bologna. PhD at UppsalaUniversity, History of Science and Ideas, in 1994.

Peter Englund (b. 1957), Swedish author and historian. He has been the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy since 2009. Many of his books are translated into numerous languages, amongst other “The Silver Mask” about Queen Christina.
Susanna Åkerman gained her PhD in Philosophy at Washington University. She has been a researcher at both Uppsala and Stockholm University. She has written several books about Queen Christina, the latest to be published came in 2013: The Phoenix Fire, Queen Christina as Alchemist.